Soul Food
I just got back from a trip overseas to present at a conference. I missed the beginning of the new term, so I feel kind of ill-prepared for all my schoolyear-based responsibilities, and I'm a month behind on my dissertation writing goals, because I've been applying to jobs for next year. Plus I'm jetlagged. So on Saturday afternoon, the world was overwhelming, spinning out of control, and it was all I could do to just hold on. I needed to get groceries, but my phone was nearly dead, so I decided to plug it in and tackle one of the other pressing things on my to do list: preparing the Bible study for Bible quizzing practice the next morning. So I looked up the schedule, saw what material we would be covering ( 1 Corinthians 2 & 3 ), and started reading. ( Read what I was thinking about when I was reading it here .) And the world stilled. Psalm 1 says that the one who meditates on the Word of the Lord is like a tree planted by streams of water, and I think that is ...