Bible Translation
My field of study, linguistics, has an interesting little overlap with my faith in the domain of Bible Translation. Many linguists work as Bible translators. Many people who want to get involved in Bible translation become linguists to do that work better. However, academic linguists (that's me) and so-called missionary linguists don't always see eye-to-eye. This weekend, at a linguistics conference, I overheard one professor telling a graduate student how they work with SIL (that's a Bible translation organization) linguists when doing fieldwork, but they actually do good work , she said, as if that would come as a surprise. In class, once, we spent the seminar ripping apart this paper that had several big problems with it. It was co-authored by two people, a woman and a man, with the same last name. As we left the room afterwards, one of my classmates remarked, I betcha they're missionary linguists . I looked it up later. They weren't--they were anthropologists....